Brockport Yacht Club 1904 – 2004 an Illustrated history
Located on the South Shore of Lake Ontario, near the mouth of Sandy Creek, Brockport Yacht Club is primarily a sailing club. It is and has been always a “Do-It-Yourself” club, in which the members take an active role in the activities and upkeep of the Club and the property. It is approximately 17 miles West of the Genesee River in Rochester, New York, and 12 miles East of Oak Orchard.
By Land, our Address is: 7493 Sandy Harbor Dr, Hamlin, NY 14464
Visitors from reciprocating yacht clubs are welcome, and any boat in need of a safe refuge will be accommodated within the limitations of the club’s facilities. Wireless internet access is available for visitors to the club. See Visitor Information For reciprocal information on yacht clubs see the ReciprocalYachtClubs document
The channel is marked with channel buoys and range marks. There is six to seven feet of water in the channel and about seven feet of water along the creek side boardwalk (when lake level is 246ft above sea level). (in high water the end of the east pier may be under water. Please use the buoys and range marks on entering the channel.)
Fellow sailors are invited to join us as we enjoy another year of pleasant sailing on the waters of Lake Ontario. Events are scheduled throughout the year and include invitational regattas and club hosted picnic type celebrations. Members of reciprocating yacht clubs are welcome. See calendar for more information.